Welcome to Sister Carlee Ann Painter's Mission Blog

This blog is for those who would like to keep updated with Carlee while she is serving her mission in Cincinnati. Her mom will be posting her letters and pictures.

For her address or any other information contact LaDawn at ladawn79@hotmail.com.

She'll love to read them when she gets home!

Monday, July 19, 2010

I live in one of the prettiest places in the country!

July 12, 2010

Dear Family:

I live in one of the prettiest places in the country! Get this… last night we were driving through the beautiful fields and trees right after the sun had set. It’s always beautiful, but last night they were sparkling with thousands of fireflies! It was like a fairytale! Glitter everywhere! ha ha. It was amazing! We HAVE to come back next summer for our family vacation so you can see it! I think the west side of the country got jipped. We should import some fireflies. :)

I was hoping I would get an email about a new addition to the family this week. I guess I have to wait until next week. I’m just not that patient! I’m glad you had fun at the reunion. I’ve forgotten what its like without sky-high humidity. I’m seriously looking forward to the dry dessert air. It’s been hot and muggy here. Of course, I wouldn’t trade it in for all the riches of the world. I love being a missionary!

We had a really good week… stressful… but good. Actually, the Church of Christ marquee across the street says it all, “God promises a safe landing, but He never said it would be a smooth ride.” ha ha. It’s true. That is one thing I really enjoy about Ohio, all the church marquees. The Baptist usually have the best ones like “Stop, drop and roll doesn’t work in Hell,” or “No Parking, Violators will be Baptized.” Ha ha. They are usually good conversation pieces. In all honesty, I was shocked when I came here because there are so many churches! There are hundreds of them and they come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from little one-room brick buildings to huge elaborate church complexes.

Seriously! I have a better understanding now of Joseph Smith’s predicament finding the right church. The upside to so many churches is that most people here are good God-fearing people, the downside is they all are happy with their churches. But the truly incredible part is that God still prepares people to receive the fullness of the gospel… no matter what church they go to.

I really love being a missionary. It brings so much joy… and so much growth. I’ve been out over a year but still have to step out of my comfort zone on a regular basis. You know that quote: Who God calls, He qualifies. That has been ringing in my head the last few weeks. He qualifies us by making us grow and reach for it… and that can be a painful process. Smooth landing, rough ride. Smooth landing, rough ride. ha ha.

All of our investigators are doing great. We just got permission to drive up to the temple with Shawn and Judy on Saturday! Wahoo! Crazy. I haven’t been to the temple in a year but I get to go twice in one week! This is going to be a great week! I’m definitely looking forward to it. So we are doing a session on Thursday and driving up again on Saturday. I love the temple! Please, please, please don’t take it for granted. Our family has been extra blessed because it’s only a two minute drive from our house! Mom, Dad, will you find time to go this week? Actually anyone reading this email, will YOU find time to go this week? We definitely need the power of the temple in our family and in our lives. And I know that power is REAL!

So… lots of rambling. Sorry… I just get talking and get excited. I love you! I hope you have a good week and a good trip to the temple! Ha ha…

Happy Birthday Mom! You are the best! And I mean that! Thanks for the package!

Sister Painter

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