I have a broken heart. I heard the news yesterday at church. BYU lost. Good thing the gospel heals broken hearts… even football ones. How can I face my relatives? Sid and Jaxon already rubbed it in the Utah State win…ah well… such is life.
Hello Family!
How are you this week! We had the most wonderful Thanksgiving Week! (Well except for the stomach flu that struck Friday night… eck that was bad news!) We have so much to be thankful for! I love this branch! I love my companions! I love being a missionary. I just love this time in my life!
I promised pictures and I finally got my card-reader back! So I’ll send some we took at the temple, Sisters Conference, with the Coleman family, our district, morning studies and the picture with Mary Halpin and Elizabeth! I am SO excited Mary called you! Two of my favorite people talking on the phone! And now she’s getting baptized on Christmas Day! She has been up against a lot since I left Fairfield but her faith in trust in the Lord is inspirational. I hope I can become half the woman she is!
The gospel changes lives. It really does. I have seen it happen. I’ve felt it happen. I am so grateful to know that He works! Just know, when God does something, he does it well! :)
Sorry this is short this week. Lot’s to do… little time to do it. Oh and just so you know, Sister Sunderland has a 4 hour layover in Salt Lake before her flight to Pocatello. I invited her to come to lunch with our family. Ha ha… Okay? (I was thinking Hires would be great! And then maybe a quick walk through temple square.)
I love you family! Thanks for all you do!
Sister Painter
P.S. I’m still waiting on your “thankful” list!